God of mammon

Money doesn’t ruin a man

Mogri-Märt is an important man. Everyone in the area has either loaned money from him or got a job thanks to him. The whole community is dependent on him and Mogri-Märt is well aware of it. Märt is a man who has been through fire to ensure good living for himself and wants to secure a bright future for his children.

The key to his success is money. Märt knows that he can live without relatives, friends, God or the Devil but he cannot make it without money. Money is power and power is life. But life must go on!

August Kitzberg’s legendary play is highly impactful even today. It’s easy to judge the likes of Mogri-Märt and blame all sorts of wrongdoings on them. Kitzberg’s aim is to try and understand Märt.

The director Margo Teder and playwright Mihkel Seeder have brought Kitzberg’s story into modern society and Mogri-Märt and his family live in the suburbs. They love their blessed life, their hometown and their country. They even love their neighbour and debtors – in their own way but still.

Mogri-Märt has his life figured out down to the last detail. All he must do is to hold onto the reins tightly and point others in the right direction. This ensures that everything will remain under his control.

However, chaos will ensue…

Premiere: 14th of November 2019 in the Theatre Hall in the Estonian National Library

NB! Please be aware that live gunshots and theatrical smoke are used in this production.

The play will in one act and the duration of the play is 1 hour and 30 minutes.

NB! Late admissions will not be admitted and the tickets will not be refunded. 

Read articles
August Kitzberg
Margo Teder
Mihkel Seeder
Pille Jänes
Sound designer:
Ann-Lisett Rebane
Lighting designer:
Sander Põllu
Indrek Taalma
Elina Reinold
Karolin Jürise
Ago Soots
Meelis Põdersoo
Rait Avestik

Dates and tickets

Sakala 3 Teatrimaja suur saal
Sakala 3 Teatrimaja suur saal
Sakala 3 Teatrimaja suur saal
Sakala 3 Teatrimaja suur saal

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