Forum theatre: Gap Year

A high-school collaboration theatre

Paula is about to graduate high school. The logical next step would be university, especially with such great grades! It’s not just her parents’ expectation but her friends’ as well. Feels like the whole world is waiting for her to make the move. However, Paula decides on her birthday, to take a gap year. Unexpectedly, her decision creates a lot of conflict. Not just cultural issues but practical ones, too. Should Paula be in charge of her own well-being?

Paula’s story will be told in the form of forum theatre.

The forum theatre method is one from the system of  the Theatre of the Oppressed, created by Augusto Boal in Brazil in the 1960s.

In 1999 VAT brought forum theatre to Estonia and ever since, the technique has been applied to numerous community and education projects, gathering materials for productions or as standalone productions.

Forum theatre: Gap Year is an experience with high school students being the target audience. The actors present Paula’s story to the audience and then the viewers get to propose changes to the story, to make sure that Paula makes better choices.

The play lasts for about 1h and 45 minutes.

Premiere: May 17th 2023 in the Sakala 3 black box

Read more about forum theatre here.

Read articles
Jürgen Rooste
Creators of the production concept:
Piret Soosaar-Maiberg
Joel Väli
Piret Soosaar-Maiberg
Siim Vahur

Dates and tickets

Endla Küün
Sakala 3 Teatrimaja suur saal
Sold out
Sakala 3 Teatrimaja suur saal

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