Curtain call!

An ode to the puppeteers of yesterday

The actors play Lear and Hamlet, Cleopatra and Lady MacBeth. They become Maurus, The Horned One, Krõõt and Juudit all the same. They wait for Godot, are unafraid of Virginia Woolfe and will sell the cherry orchard.

Puppeteers play hedgehogs, ravens, a bar of soap and a crumb of bread. They are elves, dust bunnies, Puss in Boots as well as the Gingerbread Man. They are Buratino, Thumbelina and Potjomkin all the same. At the end of the day it does not matter what or who you play. And at the same time – it matters a lot!

“Curtain call!” is a story of two puppeteers. Two former puppeteers. They’ve sat behind stage cover, playing Kriku and Kronks to children. The children loved Kriku and Kronks. But now the men have gotten old, they have drifted apart and they no longer play with puppets. Except for this one, very final time…



Premiere: December 17th 2024 in the Great Hall of the Sakala 3 Teatrimaja

Author, director and sound designer:
Kaspar Jancis
Peeter Tammearu