
A legend of respite and retribution

Kullervo’s tragic tale is well-known to us from the epic of Kalevala and Aare Toikka aims to show us a new perspective of it, inspired by the works of Akseli Gallen-Kallela, Aleksis Kivi, Elias Lönnrot as well as J.R.R Tolkien.

Most of us will find it difficult to find a life unluckier than that of Kullervo’s. People, the earth, as well as gods all work against Kullervo with relentless vigor, unable to break our hero. In the hurricane of desperation, an eye of hope always survives, injustice can not live without justice. His desperation is not what makes Kullervo’s story an epic one but it is his will and strength of character. Will is fate, a forest hag once sang.

Kullervo is unbreakable in his character, unhindered by our limitations and this makes him a force to be reckoned with.



Premiere: January 25th 2025 in the Great Hall of the Sakala 3 Teatrimaja


Photo: Akseli Gallen-Kallela “Toonela jõel”

Aleksis Kivi
Elias Lönnrot
Akseli Gallen-Kallela
J.R.R. Tolkien
Dramatist and Director:
Lightning designer:
Margus Vaigur (Endla Teater)
Video designer:
Sound designer: