
Some wishes are not meant to come true.

A 7-year-old Karl disappears without a trace. Years later he will suddenly return but his family’s joy is overshadowed by alarming questions. Where has Karl been all these years? What has he endured? Who is to blame for his disappearance? Is Karl capable of continuing his life as a normal teenager?
The leads direct the detective and the psychologist working on Karl’s case to the dark side of the Internet. They are starting to question whether Karl is really the victim or perhaps the culprit behind all the confusion. Karl’s mother wants her son back. Karl’s sister wants to find out what really happened. Karl is trying to escape his past. But not all wishes are meant to come true.
„#deleteme” introduces the next stage in VAT Theatre’s web-themed productions (the previous productions have been: „Born Online”, „Estonian hikikomori”, „Web Demon” and „Mister Green”), focusing on web and identity through the adventure genre.
The production is a joint production of VAT Theatre and Kolibri Theatre (Hungary) and takes place under the frame of project Platform Shift+.

Premiere: 21st of March 2018 in the National Library Theatre Hall

The performance is in one act and runs for 1 hour and 20 minutes

Target group: 12+ years

NB! Late admissions will not be admitted and the tickets will not be refunded. 

Original idea:
Kristiina Jalasto
György Vidovszky
Péter Horváth
Kristiina Jalasto
Inga Vares
Lighting designer:
Video and sound designer:
Sound designer's assistant:
Tristan Rebane
Gabriela Liivamägi

Dates and tickets

Sakala 3 Teatrimaja suur saal
Sakala 3 Teatrimaja suur saal
Elva Kultuurikeskuses
Jõgeva Kultuurikeskus
Last performance

Photos and videos

Press photos