Forum theater: Punishment!?

Youth inclusivity theater

The project is in collaboration with the Estonian Ministry of Justice and is funded as part of the European Economic Area and Norway’s subsidiaries 2014-2021 program “Local development and poverty impact” as set into motion by the “Creation of an underage special treatment system” project.

15 year old Marta moves to Tallinn from Võru with her dad. She tries to blend in as quickly as possible, making fast friends with school and classmates. When Marta feels like her new friends are abusing her trust, she pulls an unexpected move. What kind of punishment does she deserve? Is punishment even a valid form of problem-solving?

“Forum theater: Punishment!?” is a theatrical experience aimed at 8th and 9th grade students. The actors present Marta’s story to the viewers, who can then propose a course of action, how to change the story in a way so that the character ends up making better choices.

VAT Theatre has applied the forum theatre method in various community and educational projects, to gather material for other productions or as independent pieces since 1999.

Premiere: February 16th 2024 in the Great Hall of the Sakala 3 Teatrimaja

Length of production: around 1 hour and 30 minutes

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Creator of the production concept:
Lightning designer:
Maria Valk
Pirte Laura Lember
Kairi Joasaar
Joosep Maripuu

Dates and tickets

Viru Vangla
Sakala 3 Teatrimaja suur saal / VAT Ekstra: Etendus + Justiits- ja Digiministeeriumi vestlusring

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